
By whattheharry - 12:02 PM

Some shots from Max's first real experience with snow.  There was last year's blizzard, though he was clueless.  This year, much more fun...laughed each time he fell into the snow (and of course couldnt get up because of all his gear!). 

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  1. Love his hat! Poor Miri never even had a real chance to play in it, and now it's gone!!

  2. Emily - We were outside for all of 5 minutes, literally last Sunday because it was too cold. I was like, 'here look! snow!' threw some up in the air, took some pictures, and then we went inside! Looking out my window now - looks as if Miri will have another chance, if you can bear the cold! =)

  3. Could he be any cuter? Oh my goodness! And the second to last picture... his little grin is adorable. And he looks exactly like you!

    I really love the look of your new blog. And the header/title made me tear up a little.... your little guys are so lucky to have you as their mama.
