A Patch.

By whattheharry - 11:31 AM

My very first of many I am sure. 

Max had worn these jeans last week to school, where he had fallen and ripped the knee.  I am not surprised, these particular jeans used to belong to the twinkies and technically they were in better shape than expected after working their way thru two other boys. 

I am not sure if I am being,
-cheap.  Max is in a growth spurt right now.  These jeans are starting to get a little small for him, but I know the next size will be too big.  And to avoid spending money for as long as I can (though really kids jeans are not the bank-breaker), I decided to patch them. 

-nuturing my creative side.  I came up with the patch in my mind after seeing something like it elsewhere.  This is actually my second attempt at it.  This time I was armed with the right tools - a patch kit from the fabric store, plenty of interfacing and time.  (before I didnt have any of these items.)  I am pleased with the outcome.  Max declared this morning when we were putting these pants on that he didnt want to wear them.  I hyped up how cool the monkeys were and it worked, as we drove to school he kept repeating he had monkeys in his pants.  (this kid!)

Either way, I like the 'mom' feeling I got with this project.  Here's to many more handmade items for my boys. 

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