Seven Months.

By whattheharry - 7:52 AM

Dear Theo,

It is your seventh month of life, and you are just so full of life in your little body.  I totally missed your six month update.  I am so sorry for that.  It fell right in the middle of the holiday season and though there is no excuse for missing it, we were just busy.  I did not forget all the things you did at six months, so the below is combo of six and seven months. 

At seven months,

-you are sitting up (which you started at six months), and you've mastered it so much that you will rock back and forth while sitting.

-you will push yourself around when on your tummy; whether its in a circle, and as of late its been all around the kitchen floor.  Most times I find you stuck under the kitchen table. 

-you are not rolling over yet, though the doctor and the daycare are not concerned.  You do show signs of getting there soon, with pushing your butt up and over to the side when you are on your tummy or turning your body to one side when on  your back. 

-you will pull yourself to standing by grasping my hands (or anyone's really).  You will hold yourself up in the standing position at the coffee table, though you soon tire as your legs are not used to all the weight. 

-you are pretty adamant about your bedtime.  Seven o'clock hits and you start whining and rubbing your eyes.  Any later than 7:30p, you are screaming for your bottle. 

-you absolutely adore your brother.  You constantly watch him and laugh. 

-you had your first Thanksgiving in Michigan.  You handled the car travel well, knowing that being in the car or the car seat is still not your favorite thing (which you make clear to me everyday). 

-you love mangoes and bananas the most.  The rest, you will eat as you are hungry, though I know you prefer the others.  Again, everything you eat is orange.  No green.

-you have your two bottom teeth.  They arrived in your six month.  It wasnt an easy transition, you experienced quite a bit of pain.  =(

-your first Christmas was uneventful for you.  You slept in in the morning and then had fun watching Max and the twinkies at Grandma's house. 

-you and I are taking a swimming class, which though we've only been to one class, you absolutely loved it. 

-you are just all around awesome. 

I love you so much little boy.  Thank you for being just who you are.  

Just because he is so stinking cute, I cant stand it.

**i look ridiculous, but we were having fun saying, 'ahhhhhhhhhhh'. 

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