New banner.

By whattheharry - 11:27 AM

I love toying around with Picnik and my photoshop tool.  I get to take ordinary pictures that I find 'eh' and make them fabulous!  The new banner is a picture of me and my niece Erika's feet.  This was taken last summer (2009) when Erika was visiting from Florida.  We were just haning out in my mother's front yard, up to no good, but enjoying the awesome summer weather.  I love her toes.  All dirty and proof of long summer days where shoes are optional! 

Playing with all the different exposure options on Picnik and then using the text and framing features of photoshop are just another way for me to use the opposite side of my brain and relax!! 

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  1. Love the new banner! I use Picnik all the time too, but I can't seem to figure out photoshop. I also love the fact that yahoo email lets you picnik your photos straight from fun!
