No man will want to be with you, you have your own life.

By whattheharry - 11:32 PM

Those are the words spoken to me almost a week ago now and are still resonating. 

I suspect its my independence.  Or the things I do for myself to make my dreams come true.  Or the standards I have for myself to have a career, not a job.  All these are my responsibility anyway, whether there is a man in my life or not.  I have to make myself happy, no man can do that.  I am employed doing something I enjoy, no man can do that for me.  Maybe this person I've become is a direct result of being raised by a first born fiercely independent woman.  However it may be, I wouldnt change me for anything in the world, let alone to have a man in my life.

Those who look at me and think no man will want to be with me, or think 'what a shame she couldnt snag herself a husband', I am very happy with my life.  And someday, the right man will come along and it will only add happiness to my life. 

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  1. In what world would a man worth having turn away a happy, successful, confident woman? Since when is having a dream to make your life better a turn off?
    A husband has never been a priority for me, and in fact I kind of feel like I'm not the marrying kind, but I don't think you need a husband to live a fulfilling life.
    I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and if there's a man out there that will add to your family in a positive way then great, but if not, it isn't because of any shortfalls on your end.
    I may have never met you in person, but I still think you're on an awesome path, single or otherwise. :)
