A bit of fresh air.

By whattheharry - 2:25 PM

Someone, you know who, had taken a first class trip to Cranky Town today.  He didnt want to be on the floor, or in the exersaucer, or in the swing, or in the crib, or on his playmat, just in my arms.  After about 2 hours too much of Sprout TV, I decided it was time to get some fresh air.  He needed it, I needed it.  Probably not the smartest thing to do when he is sick, but man, it did a 5 1/2 month old's attitude good!

We originally had plans to go to the Naperville Halloween Happening with some friends, but that fell through when Max turned up sick, and friends came down with colds.  As I was getting the stroller out to go for a walk, I decided to go and check it out anyway.  Plus all the people there would be a good distraction from Cranky Town. 





I had thought to put Max in his Halloween costume but it was on the warmer side when we left and thought he would get hot ... and kick up the Cranky a notch or two.  So we left it at home.  As we walked through the place seeing all the kids and their costumes, I wished I had brought it!  Though we did try it on at home ... (he wasnt very cooperative!)


The event was okay, lots of kids and lines to play games, bouncy houses or slides.  Would I go next year?  Probably not ... what is more boring than waiting in line?  with a kid?  Most of the games were geared towards 3 yrs and up.  But it was cool to check it out and seemed to do the trick for Max's attitude adjustment!

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  1. How adorble The Max looks. I would of love to have gone with you 2. It looks like some funtime wandering. TOU oxo's
