Quite Possibly.

By whattheharry - 8:06 AM

My favorite picture of all time.

We've been home now since Sunday afternoon.  To say its been bittersweet is the only way to describe it. 

The Bitter part - adjusting to living with a newborn, new schedules, new attitudes, a new level of patience I am required to have.  The sadness that I missed being in Max's life actively for 4 days (though totally understandable as to why!), it was hard being away from him.  Missing my sister BIG. TIME.  To use the word thankful is not enough, but its the only word I have for her, my mother and step-father. 

The Sweet part - being home with my boys, witnessing new things from Max and Theo, feeling a love for them I never knew imagined.  Looking forward to the many years ahead of us (once we start listening better! and you know who I am talking about!). 

I am supposed to be napping when Theo naps, but I feel the chores pulling at me.  I know they can wait, but I hate feeling behind.  Today though I think I will be taking a giant nap!

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