
By whattheharry - 7:32 PM

Last summer I saw many of these, summer bucket lists basically.  This year, in my blogroll, I am seeing the return of the summer bucket list.  With me being on leave, I decided to create one for this family.  Its very simple.  I like it.  I like that its holding me responsible for actually doing these items, because knowing me, I would say, 'another day we can do that'.  I am definitely saying 'lets do it today!', now that I've put it in chalk!

Today we went to the water park down the street from the house.  Max loved it, as he did last year.  I love watching him experience things, I love seeing the look of delight on his face. 

Today was a good day between he and I.  The 'adjustment' days are still pretty much every day, but they seem to be getting easier.  Not sure if its the activities I plan for him to do, or if its the tasks I engage him in and then tell him he is a big help to me.  Either way, it helps brighten that light at the end of the tunnel.

If there is anything at all I want to take away from today, it is:
-theo and I hanging out this morning, looking at each other, talking (or me doing all the talking ... and about clothes.  poor kid...he's been listening party of my clothing issues as of late - doesnt help being post partum!).
-max and I hanging out in the yard, he helping watering the flowers and plants, running around barefoot in the yard (one of the exact reasons why I have a yard, pay for a service to keep it maintained safely).  (I really wish I had my camera ... but I am writing this here for documentation of the joy we were both feeling tonight.)

What is on your summer bucket list?

missing from my chalkboard list - go to library, take a train ride (metra), make popsicles and ice cream, and go to 4th of July parade.  There might be a few others that I havent thought of yet!

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  1. A great list! So many great ideas! :)

  2. Love the chalkboard :)

    Some things on my list (can't wait to see through Claire's eyes):
    - go to a farm and pick berries
    - go to the beach
    - take a walk along the river
    - read a book just for me. Not baby or parenting related :)
