Life Skills 101.

By whattheharry - 8:10 AM

Life skills.

Max's teacher has been encouraging the kids in class to do things that they normally do not do, learn to cook, cut the grass, change a light bulb.  Life skills. 

And that is exactly what we have been doing around here.

I showed Max how to use the leaf blower, which turned into thirty minutes of the boys shooting sticks and leaves out of it or blowing each other's face off. 

Then they had a cooking lesson.  We made a lemon loaf for Ginga for his birthday.  Turned out okay. 

They are making their beds every day, a habit I was taught to do when I was growing up.  They are helping with laundry, but putting away their own clothes.  (i have to remind myself not to open the drawers!)

I am hoping this time home and doing the chores around the house, helping out will turn them into functioning well adjusted adults. 

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