My Story.

By whattheharry - 2:55 PM

Ever wonder how people view your life? Or how they interpret it? It dawned on me while laying in the hospital after giving birth to Max, that I have a story.  Everyone has a story.  And people who dont know me, assume what my story is, as I am sure I do to others unconsciously.  However, recently I've been really aware of not passing this judgement and trying to get to know people's stories. 

I believe this was all triggered by the birth of Max.  I want him to understand my story before he came into my life.  I want him to understand and enjoy our story that we will write together.  This is uber important to me.  I can look back on my life and smile, laugh, frown, on my experiences, my story.  I want Max to have the same experience. 

Today, this is my story.  I am a mom to Max.  I am a single parent by choice.  Not something that is as taboo as it once was generations ago, but still not the 'normal' family dynamic.  I am proud of my decision, as I have been blessed with this awesome human being to share my life with. 

Max black and white
*photo by Kelly

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