Be Well.

By whattheharry - 4:03 AM


Obviously since having Max one my goals was to get back into tip top shape.  I wasnt able to exercise while pregnant for various reasons, one being (the biggest one) Max's head was consuming the space where my bladder normally resided. 

Once I was up and moving around without pain after delivery and was able to keep my eyes open for longer than ten minutes, I took to the streets of my neighborhood.  This was at about two weeks post-partum.  Not bad for a c-section patient.  I started off slow, one day I made to the end of my driveway, and that was as far as the body was going to take me.  I eventually built up my stamina again.  I am now back at my 40 minutes of brisk-out-of-breath walking, which probably equates to a little of two miles.   I have been trying to do this almost every day, but its been more like 2 to 3 times a week.  Again, not bad for a new mom with an infant. 

During my maternity leave, my company sent a packet of information home explaining one of the new benefits they were offering.  A website for being well and health improvement.  They invested in this to encourage their employees to take care of themselves, to live a healthier lifestyle because they are genuinely concerned about us.  (Or atleast that is what I am going with, not the invest the money for this website and basically promote the hell out of it to get people to make healthier choices which will reduce the amount of health claims we will have to pay).

I signed up immediately, entered my health history, my vitals and started tracking my weight.  I am utilizing the exercise challenge programs, the food log and the weight loss tracker.  All three items that support the 'Post Partum Shape-Up!'  Each morning I log my food intake from the day before.  I log my exercise and I look at what I can do today to make a better healthier choice.  I am enjoying this tool, its keeping me motivated.  Keeping me on task. 

Thank you company for thinking of me!   

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