Inspired : Menu Planner

By whattheharry - 10:31 PM

To continue the theme of being organized and food planning, I found a 'whimsical' (as my friend Rich says everything in my house is whimsical, guess this would just add to that!), yet functional menu planner

What I've done, just as the artist recommended, was print out the planner, put it in a frame (cause i have like 12 of them laying around not being used collecting dust), picked up a dry erase marker at Office Max and Voila!  A menu planner. 

The reason for the frame is so that you only print one planner (saving on printing = being green), and if you change your mind on meals, all you have to do is wipe off marker from the glass with a wet towel vs., scribbling off to the side, adding arrows from Monday to Sunday and back to Monday again, making a big mess of the nice planner. 



note : I resized my download in PhotoShop to fit a 8x10 frame.  The original size of the download is larger than an average size piece of paper.  I had Office Max give me a quote on printing the original size, and it was roughly $25.00.  If you are interested in downloading this and dont have the ability to resize, please email me and I will send you a copy.   

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