Two Months.

By whattheharry - 4:45 AM

Two months 

Dear Max,

You are now two months old.  This means two months have gone by with you in my life and I couldnt be happier.  When you were around six weeks old, I felt this enormous amount of love for you come bursting out of my heart.  I've always loved you, even before you were born, but this is different.  It is good.  Very good. 

You have changed so much since the first time I had seen you.  You are growing like a weed!  Changing every day.  Just the other night you grew out of your pyjamas during the middle of the night.  I put you to bed and they were a bit snug, and when you woke for your normal 3AM feeding, you couldnt straighten your legs!  Like always, I can look at you, watch you and talk to you all day long and never get bored! 

You are in a constant state of motion.  Dr. Glas calls you 'Max-in-motion'. 

You are moving in your crib.  I put you down in one place and when I pick you up, you are at the other end of the crib, or turned sideways. 

You enjoy music (thank you lord!).  You become very quiet and still when music is playing.  Ms. Bee, the giant bumble bee that sings 'I'm a babbling bee, I'll sing you a song tee-hee.  I'm a babbling bee, didily didily dee.' is one of your favorites.

You are cooing more, a way of you communicating.  I love to hear it.  You usually do this when you are excited, happy or what I am seeing to be an awnry state (forsight of sarcasm???).

You are holding your head up by yourself when I have you sitting on my knee, to burp.  Or when I sit you on the couch. 

You have found your hands!  You like to chew on your fists, and you'll bring your hands to your chest when you are eating.  You also hold your left arm/hand in the upright position when laying on your back.  I'd imagine this is what you did in utero.

You can follow me around the room, in the kitchen when you are sitting in your swing. 

You love the playmat in my bedroom.  You stare at the blue polka dots and the blue peacock. 

Grandma and I have identical bouncy chairs.  You love hers, you hate ours. 

You love the 'How big is Maxwell?' game.  Mommy says, 'How big is Maxwell?', holding your hands, and then we raise your hands over your head and say, 'SO big!'. 

Most importantly, you are working on your smiles.  They make their appearance, but not frequently or spontaneously yet.  I usually get a smile when you are on the changing table.  I love your smiles. 

Thankfully for both of us, a routine is starting to creep into our lives.  You like to sleep in.  You'll wake for an early morning feeding and then you'll want to go back to sleep to about nine or ten.  I get to watch you sleep during this time, a new hobby of mine!  I miss you when I leave you to run errands, and you are with Grandma.  I miss you when you sleep all day and we have had little play time.  I've been told you are an easy going child.  I have no complaints, even when you are screaming your head off because you are pissed you are back in the car seat once again!  You are my all-time favorite person and I count my blessings every day you are here.

I love you Max.

Love, Mom

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