Dec 1.

By whattheharry - 12:15 PM

December 1 One Word.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?


Everything this year has been new in my life.  Not so much the material items, but definitely the new roles I’ve taken on, the new people in my life, the new feelings I have.  These are something I’ve wanted for a very very long time. I just never imagined what they would actually manifest into and how they would actually feel.  New.

Having Max was a huge change.  Even during the pregnancy, my body did things that I had absolutely no idea that it could do.  Every day there was something new.  New.

Being a mother, having to care for someone else, putting their needs long before mine.  New

Making sure there is money in the bank, there is food in the house, there are clean clothes in the drawers, all things I’ve done before, but this time if I don’t I am not fulfilling my obligations to Max and motherhood.  New

Being a role model, having to make wise decisions, and choosing my words wisely, knowing they will impact Max.  Something again, I’ve done before but not with an impact on others, only myself.  New

The sheer joy of seeing Max every day.  New

The happiness I only dreamt about and feeling it 100x more than I could ever have imagined.  New.

2010 has been a good year.  A New year. 

2011, Vitality.  There are some changes coming in 2011 that will be reflective in my financial life, my physical life and my spiritual life.  Vitality, defined is in all of three of these items.  The power to live or grow.  The capacity for survival and continuation of meaningful existence.  The exuberant physical strength.  Vitality. 

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