Elf on the Shelf.

By whattheharry - 12:41 PM


Lately when reading my blogroll, those that have young children all seem to have this The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition with Blue Eyed North Pole Pixie-Elf toy.  I find it interesting that many have the same tradition.  Or better yet, same approach of incoporating the 'he knows if you've been bad or good' theory, ie, get their children to behave in all the seasonal chaos!  

I gave it some thought, and made the purchase of our own elf.  He'll probably arrive after Christmas, which is fine.  This will give me 11 months to come up with a name (because he has to be registered on their website so that Santa knows who he now belongs to), and how I want to use it (because Max will still be too young to understand the actual concept of Santa and elves and presents, he'll be 18 months then).  This is one of many holiday traditions I've started this year.  Outside the Holiday Tea + Craft Social just recently held, there is the picture with Santa (though this year was a semi-bust, we were able to get one with Max and the twinkie nephews at the Merry Mingle but it wasnt all that great), and now we'll add this Elf to the list. 

We had a few traditions growing up, the picture with Santa, the hanging of the stockings (I always wanted to be around when Mom hung the stockings), decorating the tree.  I reflect on these each Christmas.  I want Max to have the same warm and happy feeling about our Christmases.  (I feel like I can get a gold star for this section of parenting.  So Santa, if you are reading this, one gold star for me please.)

What are some of your holiday traditions? Do you have a tradition from your childhood that you still do today?

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  1. Is that the elf you got? SO much cuter than mine!

  2. Emily - no that is just the picture from their website. I couldnt find a good picture of an elf (and i try not to 'borrow' others).
    I'll post an appropriate picture of Horatio/Ralph/Fred when he arrives (just some names I've come up with!)
