And here we have...

By whattheharry - 10:03 PM

Our first attempt at yogurt pops.  They were okay.  I think its because the ingredients I used for my made-up recipe weren't all that great. 

-1 cup plain yogurt
-1 cup frozen strawberries
-2 tablespoons honey
Blend, and pour into popsicle molds.

Still, someone ate it.

The popsicle molds are new.  I love them.  Worth the $10.  They have a nice thick handle for the little hands to have a good hold.  They have the extra wide cup, or catch-plate, whatever you want to call it, so makes it less messy. 

Each time Max took a 'bite', he actually just licked the pop several times, he would say, 'Yummmmm!' with an exaggeration of the 'mmmmm'.  We had a bit of fight getting him to part ways with the popsicle as it was time to go to bed. 

I am betting he'll be asking for it for breakfast.  It is yogurt, so technically its okay for breakfast!

ps - dont get used to looking at those nasty floors.  two more weeks and they are gone, outta there!  cant. wait.!

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  1. I said the same thing when I saw the picture of Max's yogurt pop...yummmmmmm!
