My vacation.

By whattheharry - 10:22 AM

I had taken this previous week off from work, to have a vacation.  My sister has been in town and I need to regroup for work.  It turned out to be an ideal week for weather too. 

Unfortunately, I spent the first three days of my vacation working.  In the mornings and in the evenings, hunched over the work laptop.  Wednesday afternoon I received a call from the project manager letting me know the project has been pushed back and that I can enjoy my vacation. 

Now.  Five days into my vacation.  Five days after leaving the office building can I enjoy myself.  I felt the frustration subside temporarily (it will resurface next Monday when I return to the office).  I also felt the urge to get on a plane and go somewhere far far away. 

Instead, I decided to make a collage of what a vacation means to me.  If you notice in the collage, there is no reference to working.  None.  Whatsoever.

Summer 2009

1. Jacobs Field: The View Through Kevin's Sunglasses, 2. Outdoor seating, 3. mini golf, 4. Raspberry Ice Cream Cone, 5. Aboretum Wildflowers, 6. Tourist Trap, 7. Chicago, Lake Michigan, 8. Colors, 9. Remember me, summer (3), 10. Caution Frisbees!, 11. Brats & Beer, 12. Tropical Drinks on the Upper Deck, 13. A house without books is like a room without windows., 14. Beach Chairs Outside Da Vida, 15. Fish Tacos, 16. IMG_0173

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