Random Inanimate Objects.

By whattheharry - 2:51 PM

My sister Sharon and her three children are here in town visiting for a couple of weeks.  They left the humidity and heat of Florida behind ... to get a break of being cooped up inside because its too hot to be outside.  There are a couple of benefits of their visit.  I get to spend quality time with Sharon and the kids, and I get to experience the kids' personalities first hand.  Usually I get emails or phone calls of things they've done. 

What I love the most of their visits and our time together?  The pictures I get to take of them smiling, laughing, goofing off, running around, playing.  Just being them. 

What's even better?  Finding random inanimate objects strategically placed throughout my mother's house and yard. 

Example #1.  Transformers at the edge of the back patio. IMG_6826

Example #2.  Tennis Smurf next to the impatients bed. IMG_6828

Example #3.  Transformers hanging for dear life from the light pull in the basement.

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  1. I totally have that tennis smurf! Isn't family great? I wish my sister would have kids but she's in the no-kids-camp. Love the pictures...
